Praėjusių metų pabaigoje (gruodžio 28 d.) suorganizavome dar vieną AGRICONT projekto susitikimą, prie kurio prisijungė ekspertas iš Sakartvelo.
Ši informacija atspindi tik autoriaus požiūrį ir yra pilnai jo atsakomybė, todėl Europos sąjunga negali būti laikoma atsakinga už pateiktą informaciją ir bet kokį jos naudojimą.
At the end of last year (December 28), we organized another AGRICONT project meeting, which was joined by an expert from Georgia.
GEO expert Irakli Kutsia presented results of the discussions with BSOs regarding potential services. Regarding free service it was agreed that newsletters will be introduced as new service and special programs will be used for managing and data analysis of newsletters’ effectiveness. Also, it was stressed that newsletters could be centralised and seminal to several agritourism BSOs. Regarding paid service, it was agreed that BSOs could suggest SMEs the help in digital promotion – digital marketing assistance. It could be realised as training sessions or mentorship programs, or video tutorials as well.
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